Women’s Health

Personalised nutrition for women and couples who want to give their child the best start in life.

Are you pregnant or just thinking about starting a family? I help take the stress and uncertainty out of eating before and during pregnancy. If you have been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or gestational Diabetes, I can also help you manage these conditions using the principles of Intuitive Eating.

Louise Pollard Nutrition: Women's Health

Fertility & Pre-conception

If you are planning to conceive, now is the perfect time to optimise your nutrition. With so much conflicting information around, this can be pretty confusing—especially when you’re living in a larger body or have otherwise had difficulty conceiving.

How I can help:

  • Assess and provide feedback on your current food intake (e.g. variety, folate)
  • Suggest changes if required to optimise your pre-pregnancy food intake
  • Answer any questions you might already have about what to eat and what to avoid eating during pregnancy
  • Provide advice if you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)


If you are already pregnant, you may be wondering about how best to nourish yourself and your baby. You might have questions about what to eat, what to avoid and how to reduce pregnancy-related symptoms like nausea.

How I can help:

  • Assess your food intake and check you are meeting your nutritional requirements
  • Provide feedback on your current food intake (e.g. variety, folate, calcium, iron intake) and suggest changes if required
  • Help you manage symptoms like low energy, sleep issues, nausea, constipation, food aversions, cravings and mood swings
  • Provide advice if you have gestational Diabetes