Speaking & Presenting

One of the things I love most about my job is sharing the gift of Intuitive Eating.

Whether it’s a workshop, seminar, retreat, lunch and learn or other speaking event, Intuitive Eating is a topic that resonates with all audiences. It’s inclusive, practical and reconnects us with the joy of food and community. It also inspires us to approach our relationship with food, and our minds and bodies with more compassion.

When it comes to food and eating, we need an approach that does not harm us or our children, is sustainable, practical and consumes less time and energy. In my presentations, I focus on the power of storytelling, interacting with my audience and bringing Intuitive Eating to life through one or two practical examples. Humour is an essential ingredient: eating should be enjoyable and so should learning about it!

Want to know more? Let’s talk!

Louise Pollard Nutrition: Speaking & Presentation