My Approach

5 things that make my practice stand out

APD Credentials


Personalised Advice

Absolutely No Diets


Core Values

My approach to care reflects these core values and guiding principles at all times.

Personal and Non-Judgmental Approach

I take the time to provide a personalised and non-judgemental approach while respecting your needs, values and lifestyle. My approach is holistic, meaning that I consider all aspects of your health—including food, movement, stress management, coping skills, sleep habits, social and working environment. I listen to you and your story with no judgement or assumptions and will support you on your journey to better health and well-being, whatever that means for you.

Respect and Compassion

I value your life experience and am committed to providing help with respect, compassion, empathy and understanding. In my practice, you are the expert of your body.

Honesty, Transparency and Integrity

Honesty, transparency and integrity are vital for building relationships based on trust. I work hard to gain the trust of the people I work with. My approach is science-based and up-to-date so you know you can trust it.


I am committed to promoting sustainable ways of eating, including Intuitive Eating, plant-based eating and the traditional Mediterranean way of eating.


I strive for excellence at all times and truly want you to feel inspired, empowered and completely satisfied when you work with me. If you have questions or suggestions for any of the services offered, just contact me at

Louise Pollard Nutrition: Practice

Guiding Principles

Louise Pollard Nutrition: Practice

Evidence-Based Practice

Attending presentations, workshops and conferences ensures I remain up-to-date with the latest science-based research and guidelines in my areas of practice. As an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor I am always looking for ways to enhance my skills to better help and understand my clients. My APD status is proof I stay up-to-date.

Client-Focused and Client-Driven

My approach is client-focussed. I am constantly learning from clients’ stories, backgrounds, experiences and successes. These experiences are not only rewarding, but always insightful and help inform my practice.

Non-Diet and Weight Inclusive

Research shows that most people who lose weight eventually regain the weight they lose. Dieting also results in a pre-occupation with food and body and can trigger disordered eating, binge eating and increased body dissatisfaction. Focussing on dieting and weight also upholds weight stigma and places a higher value on certain body types over others. So, ethically it is difficult to support the continued use of weight reduction diets. This is the reason why I choose to specialise in sustainable approaches to improving overall health and wellbeing, including Intuitive Eating and helping parents raise intuitive eaters where health -not weight- is the focus. My practice is also weight-inclusive meaning that everyone receives respectful care regardless of body shape and size.

Food Is More Than Fuel

Food is so much more than fuel for our mind and body—it should also taste good and be enjoyed. While nourishing body and mind with satisfying, nutritious whole foods is important, there is always room to enjoy foods simply for pleasure.